- Das hochwertige Ionenaustauscherharz und die Aktivkohle reduzieren wirksam Chlor, Geschmack, Geruch, Kalk und andere Verunreinigungen im Wasser, um frisches Wasser zu liefern und den Geschmack des Getränks zu verbessern. Unsere Filter werden von einem dritten Labor auf die Reduzierung von Schwermetallen und anderen potenziell schädlichen Verunreinigungen im Wasser getestet.
- Für beste Ergebnisse und eine kontinuierliche Erfrischung wird empfohlen, den Filter alle 2 Monate zu ersetzen, was je nach Wasserqualität variiert.
- Unser Filter bietet einen günstigen Preis, ohne Kompromisse bei der Qualität einzugehen, und serviert Ihnen besseren Kaffee zu einem Bruchteil des Preises.
- Ersatz für Braun Brita KWF2; für alle Braun FlavorSelect und AromaDeluxe Kaffeemaschinen. Dieser Filter ist kein Originalprodukt.
Waterdrop replacement for the Braun Brita KWF2 coffee filter WD-12
Regular price
Sale price
Regular price
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model number
product weight
430 g
dimensions of the product
11.91 x 10.21 x 9.8 cm
Batteries included
Batteries required
Is the filtering effect of this refrigerator filter as good as that of the original filter?
This filter uses high quality ion exchange resin and granular
Activated carbon and can effectively remove chlorine, odor, lime, heavy metals and other potentially harmful substances
and provide fresh water. It can give you a better water treatment experience at a
lower price.
How often does the Waterdrop replacement filter cartridge need to be changed?
It is recommended to replace the filter when the filter capacity reaches 100
litres to obtain the best filter performance. However, the service life may vary depending on the
local water quality.
Does the unused Waterdrop replacement filter expire?
The water filter cartridge lasts a long time without
"Due date". Proper storage means storing at temperatures between 1 °C and 50 °C
stored away from direct sunlight or heat. The cartridge should also be stored in
remain closed in the original packaging.
How do I change the filter cartridge?
The replacement water filter cartridge is easy to install without
Tools or professional skills are required. Detailed information can be found in
the instruction manual included in the packaging.
Which coffee machine is suitable for home use?
There are several excellent coffee machines on the market for
Household. You can easily choose between filter coffee machines, capsule coffee machines, traditional
Espresso machines or bean coffee machines. Your choice ultimately depends on your individual
requirements, but it is advisable that you know the advantages and disadvantages of each type before making a
Buy a machine. Searching for the best coffee machines online can help you find more

Perfect fit, no leakage
Replacement for Braun Brita KWF2.
Efficient filtration
Made from high quality activated carbon and ion exchange resin,
this filter can help reduce chlorine, rust, lime, sediment and other contaminants
and improve the taste of drinking water.

Better taste
This filter can effectively reduce limescale deposits to
To improve the purity of drinking water and enhance the taste of your coffee.
Long-term supply of purified water
To ensure efficient filtering, it is recommended to
Replace the filter when the filter capacity reaches 100 l.