G3P600 Umkehrosmoseanlage - Waterdrop G3P600 - Waterdrop Germany

600 Gallons Per Day Tankless Reverse Osmosis Water Filter - Waterdrop G3P600

Waterdrop Germany
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€399.99 €569,99
Sale price €569,99 Regular price
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  • Hauptmerkmal
    • [Die smarte Wahl von 2.000.000 amerikanischen Familien]Die Umkehrosmoseanlage der Waterdrop G3-Serie ist ein Starprodukt unter den Waterdrop-Produkten, das aufgrund seines intelligenten und herausragenden Designs zur ersten Wahl von 2.000.000 amerikanischen Familien geworden ist und von Nutzern und sozialen Medien hoch gelobt wird.
    • [Vertrauenswürdige Zertifizierung] Die Waterdrop G3P600 Umkehrosmoseanlage ist nach NSF/ANSI 58 für TDS-Reduktion und NSF/ANSI 372 für bleifreies Material zertifiziert. Weitere Informationen findest du in den Testergebnissen der Umkehrosmoseanlage WD-G3P600. Die tanklose Umkehrosmoseanlage ist auch von der Federal Communications Commission zertifiziert. Außerdem erfüllt sie die EU-Normen und die UKCA-Normen für Sicherheit.
    • [600GPD Schneller Wasserdurchfluss] Die G3P600 tanklose Umkehrosmoseanlage produziert als modernes Umkehrosmosesystem 600 Gallonen gefiltertes Wasser pro Tag. Mit einem schnellen und stabilen Wasserdurchfluss füllt diese Umkehrosmoseanlage eine 8-Unzen-Tasse in 8 Sekunden mit Wasser, was ideal zum Trinken, Waschen von Gemüse und Obst ist.
    • [2:1 Verhältnis von reinem Wasser zu Abwasser] Die tanklose Umkehrosmoseanlage G3P600 kann zwei Tassen gereinigtes Wasser produzieren, während nur eine Tasse Abwasser anfällt. So sparst du in gewisser Weise Geld bei deinen Wasserrechnungen.
    • [8-stufige Filterung] Getestet von einem offiziellen Drittlabor (SGS), kann die tanklose Umkehrosmoseanlage TDS, Chrom, PFAS, Fluorid, Arsensalz, Eisen, Radiumnitrat, Kalzium, Partikel, Chlorid, Chlor und Schwermetalle wie sechswertiges Chrom in deinem Leitungswasser wirksam reduzieren. Außerdem kann unsere Umkehrosmoseanlage laut dem technischen Handbuch der Umkehrosmose-Membran giftige Chemikalien wie Vinylchlorid, Ethylhexylacrylat, Isobutylen, Ethylenglykol und Monobutylether reduzieren.
    • [Smart Display Wasserhahn] Die Umkehrosmoseanlage ist mit einem intelligenten Anzeigehahn ausgestattet. Der TDS-Monitor zeigt dir zum Beispiel die Qualität deines gefilterten Wassers an, während der Filterlebensdauer-Tracker anzeigt, wie bald du deinen Filter austauschen musst. So kannst du jetzt ein besseres Wassererlebnis und einen bequemen Lebensstil genießen.
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600 Gallons Per Day Tankless Reverse Osmosis Water Filter - Waterdrop G3P600

Regular price
€399.99 €569,99
Sale price €569,99 Regular price

 model number
 NSF/ANSI 58 & 372 
 In to Drain
 System housing: BPA-free plastic
Faucet: Intelligent display faucet
RO filter: reverse osmosis membrane
CB filter: carbon block
CF filter: PP cotton & carbon block
 cable length
 90 inches 
 product dimensions
 18.11 x 5.67 x 17.73 inches 
 item weight
 32.4 pounds 
 scope of delivery
System cover, Smart Screen faucet, RO filter, CF filter, CB filter, PE pipes *3 (60 inches), T-piece, Drain saddle, Securing clips, Power adapter (Main power cord 90 inches, Faucet power cord 59 inches) 
 Smart Screen Faucet 
 flow rate
 0.42 gallons per minute (GPM), 600 gallons per day (GPD) 
 indoor or outdoor use
 For indoor use only 
 wall plug
 Terms of Use
 Ice machines, faucets, aquariums, mobile homes
An electrical outlet is required to operate the reverse osmosis system.
 Reduced substances
 TDW, chlorine, taste and odor, chloramine, lime, turbidity
Carcinogenic substances: Chromium (hexavalent), Chromium (trivalent), Cadmium and
cadmium compounds, iron oxide
Heavy metals: lead, mercury, barium, copper, radium 226/228, aluminum
Microorganic contaminant: cyst
Inorganic pollutants: arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds, fluoride
Organic pollutants: asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde, nitrite bisphenol A, trichloromethane,
Chlordane, PFOA & PFOS and more

What is the difference between Waterdrop and traditional RO systems?

Waterdrop G3P600 RO system Waterdrop G3 RO system Traditional RO system
Tankless design
flow rate 600GPD 400GPD 50-100GPD
Intelligent leak protection
3s filter change time
Pure water to the drain 2:1 1 : 1 1:3
real-time water quality display

What is the ratio of pure water to wastewater?

The ratio of pure water to wastewater is 2:1. This means that for every 2 cups of pure water you get, only 1 cup of wastewater is produced, which is much better than conventional RO systems.

What's new about the Waterdrop G3P600 RO water filter system?

The RO system offers a faster water flow rate (600 gallons per day) and can filter a cup of water in about 8 seconds. Compared to traditional RO systems, the Waterdrop RO system has a low wastewater ratio of 2:1. Save more money on your water bills

What is a reverse osmosis water system?

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water treatment process that uses a partially permeable membrane to remove contaminants from drinking water. Reverse osmosis uses applied pressure to overcome osmotic pressure, a colligative property caused by chemical potential differences of the solvent, a thermodynamic parameter. The result is that the dissolved material on the pressure side of the membrane and the pure water can pass to the other side. To be “selective”, this membrane should do not allow large molecules or ions to pass through the pores, but only allow filtered, clean water to pass through unhindered.

How does a reverse osmosis system work?

A reverse osmosis system reduces sediment and chlorine from the water with a pre-filter before forcing the water through a semi-permeable membrane, to reduce dissolved solids. After the water leaves the RO membrane, it passes through a post-filter to filter the drinking water, before it reaches the tap

Does the reverse osmosis water system produce wastewater?

All RO systems produce concentrated water to remove contaminants. Compared to traditional RO water purifiers, the Waterdrop RO system uses less concentrated water and saves 300% more water. You can use the concentrated water for mopping the floor, Washing your car, doing laundry, etc.

What contaminants can the Waterdrop reverse osmosis water filter system remove?

The Waterdrop reverse osmosis water filter system uses advanced composite filter technology. It cleverly utilizes the properties of various filter materials and combines them to achieve better filtration. The composite filter can capture most harmful contaminants:
• TDS, chlorine, taste and odor, chloramines, limescale, turbidity.
• Carcinogens: Chromium (hexavalent), Chromium (trivalent), Cadmium and cadmium compounds, Iron oxide.
• Heavy metals: lead, mercury, barium, copper, radium 226/228, aluminum.
• Microorganic contaminants: cysts.
• Inorganic pollutants: arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds, fluoride.
• Organic pollutants: asbestos, benzene, formaldehyde, trichloromethane, chlordane, PFOA & PFOS, etc.

Does the Waterdrop reverse osmosis water filter system require electricity?

The RO system has a pump that requires electricity to maintain a rapid water flow rate.

How to install a reverse osmosis system?

Waterdrop RO systems are designed for DIY installation. You can install the system in 30 minutes. Just follow the User manual and instructional videos or contact us via email, phone or live chat. This video explains how to use the Waterdrop RO system installed.

How often do I need to change the RO filter?

G3: CF filter has a lifespan of 6 months; CB filter has a lifespan of 1 year; RO filter has a lifespan of 2 years. The Waterdrop G3 reverse osmosis system features a smart faucet and filter life indicators that remind you to change the filter. change.

Does the reverse osmosis system make a lot of noise?

The noise level does not exceed 65 dB, which is a comfortable level for everyday use (65 dB was measured under standardized laboratory conditions where the inlet water pressure is between 14.5 psi and 87 psi). A loud noise can be caused by:
a. The system is not on a level surface. Make sure the system is level and not wobbling.
b. The system is placed directly against a cabinet. Do not place the system against the cabinet. The system may vibrate when it is in operation.
c. The water pressure is unstable. Check and confirm that the water pressure is between 14.5 psi and 87 psi. The noise will be quieter if the water pressure is stable.

Do you have to turn off the water when changing the filters?

The water source and power supply do not need to be turned off when the filters need to be changed. The filters can be directly replaced and reinstalled. The RO system can be used normally after resetting and completing the flushing process.

Does the RO system remove coliform bacteria and other parasites?

Our RO system uses reverse osmosis filtration technology with a filtration accuracy of 0.0001 µm, and the system can handle most Effectively reduce contaminants, including E. coli and other parasites.

Does this system eliminate or remove atrazine?

Through the RO membrane (filtration accuracy: 0.0001 µm), this system can reduce atrazine from the source water. In addition, the The G3's composite filters also reduce chlorine, fluoride and heavy metals, providing you with fresh and tasty water.

Does this RO water system remove arsenic?

Through the RO membrane (filtration accuracy: 0.0001 µm), this product can efficiently reduce arsenic from the source water. The membrane has microscopic pores that are specifically dimensioned to allow hydrogen molecules to pass through while blocking larger inorganic molecules such as lead, retain iron, chromium and arsenic.

Is this reverse osmosis water filter system suitable for well water?

We do not recommend using well water as a source for our RO systems. The reasons are as follows:
Large particles Compared to Unlike municipal tap water, well water is rich in large particles that can easily clog filters and significantly shorten their lifespan. Please note that even if you have added a pre-filter system, the filters will need to be replaced more frequently.
composition Well water has a very complicated composition, and some components (besides the large particles) can cause the filter or the internal valve becomes clogged and the normal performance of the RO system is affected.
Water pressure The well water may possibly exceed the RO system (at least 14.5 psi). In addition, the water pressure after passing through pre-filter systems will continue to sink.

Do you need to have an outlet under the sink to operate this?

As a standard device, this product must be plugged into an electrical outlet to function normally.

Does this RO system require a nearby drain line for disposal?

Yes, this model requires a drain pipe nearby to drain the waste water. We provide an adjustable drain support to connect the RO system's waste pipe to your drain pipe.

How much space is required between the RO unit and the cabinet?

To avoid vibrations that may affect the user experience, please ensure that a distance of about 1 inch (approx. 2.5 cm) between the RO system and the cabinet. The size of the RO filtration system is 18.11" × 5.67" × 17.72", excluding storage tank. It is very narrow and takes up very little space.

Is this RO water system already NSF certified?

The Waterdrop G3P600 reverse osmosis system is certified to NSF/ANSI 58 for TDS reduction and NSF/ANSI 372 for lead-free materials certified. For more information, see the WD-G3P600 RO System test results.

Is the water connection hose 1/4" or 3/8"?

Inlet hose: 3/8", Outlet hose (for connection to the RO faucet): 1/4", Inlet adapter: compatible with 3/8" and 1/2" water lines.

Can I buy the accessory kit to connect my refrigerator immediately?

Yes, the user manual explains how to connect the Waterdrop system to your refrigerator using parts that you can find in a The outlet of the Waterdrop to the faucet is 1/4" hose. If your refrigerator has a 1/4" inlet, you only need a 1/4" quick connect T-adapter and the hose that you run to your refrigerator – these can be found online or at your local hardware store. If If your refrigerator has a 3/8" inlet like mine, you will also need to add a 1/4" to 3/8" adapter to the line between the T-adapter and the refrigerator. This will not affect the performance of the Waterdrop system.

Is this reverse osmosis water system BPA free?

Please note that our RO system is BPA free.

Will this reduce or remove the salt in the water from my water softener?

Although this model can reduce 90% of calcium ions and salt from the water with a filtration accuracy of 0.0001 μm, the The remaining salt added by the water softener can still affect the taste of the water. Therefore, we do not recommend using the RO system after a salt-based water softener as the taste may be affected.

What is the minimum water pressure to operate this appliance?

The nominal water pressure of the device is 14.5-87 psi. It can work properly within this range.

What size hole do I need to drill to install the faucet in my sink?

It is recommended to drill a hole of 1". If your countertop has a reserved hole for the soap dispenser, you can directly to install the RO faucet. In addition, we have put a sticker in the package to serve as a reference when drilling the hole can be used.

How often do reverse osmosis filters need to be replaced?

The service life of the filter element of our device depends on two factors: the operating time and the amount of pure water produced after filtration. water. As soon as one of these values ​​reaches the upper limit, the filter must be replaced. The first filter element of the first stage is recommended to be replaced every 6 months or after filtering 550 gallons of pure water. The second stage RO element should be replaced every 24 months or after filtering 2200 gallons of pure water. The third stage carbon tube filter element should be replaced every 12 months or after filtering 1100 gallons of pure water. Due to the varying water quality and water consumption The actual replacement time of the filter element is variable in every household. The actual usage situation is decisive. If the When the filter element needs to be replaced, this is indicated by a color change of the warning light on the device and the lamp ring on the faucet. You can Replace the filter very conveniently according to this display.

Can the system be connected to a UV water sterilizer?

Yes, it can be connected to a UV water sterilizer, and it needs an additional power outlet (the UV water sterilizer needs additional power).

How often does the membrane need to be changed?

The RO membrane filter must be changed every 24 months or after 2200 gallons.

Can the system be connected to the refrigerator so that the ice is also filtered?

Generally, the RO system can be connected to your refrigerator. After completing the online registration, you can select the accessory kit that Helps you connect the RO system to your refrigerator/ice maker. Since different refrigerators/ice makers have different If you have different water pressure requirements, it is not possible for our RO system to meet all requirements. A connection under unsuitable Conditions can cause numerous problems including but not limited to: slow ice making, frequent on/off cycling, etc. Therefore, it is NOT recommended to connect the RO system to your refrigerator/ice maker.

Does this reverse osmosis water system prevent the growth of bacteria in the filter?

Please be assured that the RO membrane (filtration accuracy 0.0001 μm) can effectively remove bacteria and viruses whose diameter is larger than 0.0001 μm. from the spring water.

What is the ratio of wastewater to filtered water?

The ratio of wastewater to filtered water is 1:1, which is much higher than conventional RO systems.

Can I use my own faucet?

I'm sorry, but the brushed nickel faucet is currently the only option available.
You can make your own RO faucet with our product, but not a normal faucet for tap water.
There are a few things you should know before purchasing:
First Firstly, our faucet is equipped with a filter life indicator that allows you to easily monitor the life of the filters. If If you choose not to use our original faucet, this feature will not be available.
Secondly, your RO faucet should can be connected to the system's outlet hose, which has a diameter of 1/4"".
In addition, it should have a “quick connection” please click here.
OR, it should come with an accessory kit that allows you to connect the faucet with the open end of our outlet hose. Please click here to see an example for reference.
If the faucet has one of these requirements, you must purchase an appropriate adapter to connect to the device.

What does the ratio of pure water to wastewater mean?

The reverse osmosis water filter is based on a semi-permeable membrane to filter impurities from drinking water. When the tap water passes through When the RO membrane is pressed, pure water and waste water are produced. The ratio of pure water to waste water is called the waste water ratio. A 1:1 wastewater ratio means that 1 gallon of water is wasted for every 1 gallon of water purified, and a 2:1 wastewater ratio means that 1 gallon of water is wasted for every 2 gallons of purified water. The higher the wastewater ratio, the less wastewater is produced during the filtration process. During the use of the RO water filter, the actual ratio may vary depending on the water quality, pH value, Pressure and temperature may be lower than specified.

Is the G3P600 RO replacement filter suitable for the G3 RO system?

We do not recommend using the G3P600 RO replacement filter for the G3 RO system. Using an inappropriate filter may affect the performance of the device.
NSF/ANSI 58 and 372 certified
  • The Waterdrop reverse osmosis system is NSF/ANSI 58 certified for TDS reduction and NSF/ANSI 372 certified for lead-free material.
  • Based on tests conducted according to NSF/ANSI standards 53 and 58, the reduction rate of benzene, methoxychlor and lindane is up to 99%. For more information, see the WD-G3P600 RO system test results.
  • The system has been tested and certified by NSF International to NSF/ANSI Standard 58 for TDS reduction and NSF/ANSI 372 (≤0.25% lead).

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Für die Firma gekauft

Sind 11 Personen, die es sich bequemer auf der Arbeit machen wollten :D.

Wir benützen es für unsere Kaffeemaschine, zum trinken und Kochen.

Die Installation der ist wirklich sehr einfach und man braucht keine Erfahrung!
Das einzige was man benötigt ist eine Bohrmaschine mit dem richtigen Bohrer.

Ich hoffe nur, dass die Filter nicht so schnell aus dem Sortiment entnommen werden und man gezwungen wird eine neu Anlage sich zu beschaffen.

Sehr leicht zu installieren

Die Anlage war schnell installiert. Sie ist auch kompatibel mit anderen Mischbatterien, zB 2-Weg Mischbatterien. Die Filterlebensdauer wird auch auf dem Gerät angezeigt, somit muss die mitgelieferte Armatur nicht zwangsläufig verwendet werden.
Das Wasser schmeckt sehr gut.

Läuft schnell durch

Hat weniger Ppm als Lauretana

Läuft schnell durch

Hat weniger Ppm als Lauretana

Macht was...

Einfache Montage und jederzeit Wasser parat. Wir können es jedem empfehlen