Ultrafiltration vs. Reverse Osmosis: Which Water Purifier is Best for You?
by Dr. Jonathan Doyle - Updated March 31, 2023
Although there are several water treatment technologies, reverse osmosis and
Ultrafiltration systems are still the most powerful and advanced. Both systems can
With the help of special filter materials, a deep cleaning is achieved. They are resistant to all contaminants
effective that are larger than their pore size.
If you are new to the world of water filter systems and
water treatment technology, you may be undecided between the two options. Are
Are ultrafiltration systems better than reverse osmosis systems? Which of the two systems is more environmentally friendly?
You will find answers to these and many other questions in this comprehensive introductory blog about
Ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis systems.
What are the principles behind water filtration?
During filtration, water contaminants are primarily removed by
that the water is pressed through a filter medium with pores of a certain size. The natural forms
The porous media include clay, gravel and sand, while there are also manufactured membranes from various
What is ultrafiltration?
In ultrafiltration , as in general filtration, water is passed through a
Membrane. However, this physical filtration process is based on the pressure of the house water and a
semi-permeable membrane. As soon as the water is pressed through the ultrafiltration membrane, the
Removes contaminants larger than the pore size of the membrane.
The ultrafiltration membrane is often semi-permeable. It consists of a
Hollow fiber with a pore size of 0.01 to 0.1 microns. These pore sizes are compared to a
human hair several thousand times smaller. Particles larger than the intended pore size can
do not pass through the membrane. Instead, they remain on the surface, and only the water and the
useful mineral molecules - all smaller than the pore size - pass to the other side as drinkable water.
The ultrafiltration process is only effective against dissolved substances if these
coagulated or adsorbed.
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